The MFU allows you to simply swap the freehub body by pulling off the driveside endcap (yep, it's tool free!). The new Vesper hub is the first hub to feature Onyx's new MFU (Modular Freehub Unit). Instead we'll focus on what we've been most excited about ever since Onyx first announced it: the new freehub design. While the lighter weight of the smaller sprag clutch and refined hub shell is definitely a major selling point, we won't go into that too much right now, because we want to get a hub set in our hands to weigh first.
Onyx vesper hub free#

Steel Enduro bearings stock with Verinent ceramic bearings available as an upgrade.Alloy freehub bodies standard (steel still available as an upgrade).Rear hub uses 1.5 sprag clutches compared with the 2 clutches of the Classic hubs.The front hub uses significantly lighter bearings and an interchangeable endcap system that weighs much less than the Classic version.The hub shells are machined much more aggressively all the way out to machining excess material from the flanges.So first, a rundown of the main differences between the new Vesper and the Classic hub.

Onyx’s patented sprag clutch design removes the ratcheting noise of traditional hubs. Enjoy the music of nature unfettered by the rancorous clicking of pawls.

Only the sound of the wind in your face separates you from the mountain. There is no substitute for absolute control of your machine. Nasty climbs on boulders and rock require just the right amount of instantaneous power but only at your command. Onyx hubs transfer the precise amount of torque you want to the ground when you need it.